Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Painted "one of us" this week.  Kerry is one of the regular monday night portrait painters.
You can see his work HERE

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


So I dropped this on my way up to my studio and some of the background paint smudged on the sides of his hat.  Thats why the hat looks all blurry/blue.  Oh Well.
You can see a pic. of the model and the portrait pre-smudge HERE

Mike (2)

switched my spot a bit and did this quick one. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


This one I like.
   Everytime the model has piercings I debate painting them in or not - went for it this time.
she's got 3 - lip,nose and ear.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


 I painted this over an old painting which is the reason for the bumps down her face...happy with this one though.  She was easy peasy to paint - Thanks Deb!

and here is a picture of my typical setup -

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


grace#1 - painted this one first, then did grace#2 during the last 45min. of our session - much looser,more color...
think I like it better...maybe not.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


painted my son Nick last night - after finishing the 10x10 for my wall of portraits, I did another and actually like it better (more painterly,less drawing)

 below are some of the other portraits painted last night by (from left to right) Rob Rey, Kerry Smith and Devin Reilly

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Painted my beautiful friend Christin last night -
 first time painting with a group in my narrow studio space - a little tight but doable.  thanks to everyone for coming!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


 missed last week - hate when that happens.  I really like painting these faces. 
This week  - we painted Gerry - and below here he is with his portrait.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Super speedy last night, I got alot done in the first 30 min. and ended up leaving it alone after that initial block in.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


something clicked with this one. Lauren has this great head of red hair - a real treat to paint and then she had on its compliment -blue! perfect. Fun painting her.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


10x10 oil on panel. Love this one. I've been struggling lately with these portraits but this one flowed, in fact it was easy. -Favorite part? - that eye on the right. yum.

Speaking of his eyes - he looks kinda bad ass right? There was a time when he must have been thinking about something or he was growing tired and that was what I picked up on and painted. I normally do the eyes in one pass, once I dive into them.

Looking around the room at all his other portraits, it was like everyone picked up a different side - serene, friendly,chill. All different, all well done last night - thanks Trevor.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Such a pretty name for a very pretty wowan. She was difficult to paint and many of us wrestled with our paintings of her.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Instead of a traditional portrait sitting we had a 3 hour nude pose instead. Which was great because I haven't tackled that since college and nothing beats working on flesh tones to improve your painting skills.
Still couldn't resist banging out a portrait :)
You can see the rest of her HERE

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Brian treated our painting group to a song on guitar - talented guy, such a gift to get some live music along with the painting. loved it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


10x10 oil on panel
Tasha - with piercings (eye brow and lower lip)
after this, I had more time on the clock and painted THIS

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


10x10" oil on panel.
RJ did a really good job sitting the other night - everyone in the group did a great portrait of him.
Personally, I found him super easy to paint - maybe it was the cup of coffee I had, but I breezed through this one. Totally loving the hoodie.
Nothing beats painting from a live model - especially in a group setting. I'ld like to do more of it - which is why I want to host an open portrait painting session in my space one night a week - locals contact me if you are interested!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011